Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'Time for a cool change......'

Yep, it's been a loooonnnnnggggg time since I wrote anything! Let me fill you in:
My Uncle died in January and was sick since the last post (Nov 2010) This hit me hard as well as looking 50 right in the eye! I have been doing some things that are probably not good for the body (or soul). Drinking way too much! Generally being a prick! I am settling down but getting focused on what I really want to do. I have a limited time left (25+ with maybe half of those in good physical health and the rest reflecting on what I did with the second half of my life. I say I will write more later on so let me see if that works. Bye for now.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I know I have posted that I was going to post more often but that hasn't happened lately. It was June for my last on. I keep seeing it on my bookmarks and I thought that would help me post more but apparently not! I have been fooling around with bio-identical hormone therapy. This a new twist on the subject via the book Sex At Dawn:The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality. I have a long story to go with this post and I hope to post it fairly soon. I have been reading more. I am currently reading; Ratio, the science of cooking, or something like that, and Turn Coat, a new Butcher Dresden Files Wizard book, and sadly, a political book that I can't remember, that is very depressing, so I assume I am shutting it out of my head. A big storm is coming this way here in the NW and it should be fun. Off to listen to Coast to Coast AM. nite nite

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oil Consumers Take NO Guilt From the BP Spill!

There has been a lot of talk lately that the 'fault' of the oil spill is to be blamed, partly, on the consumers of oil, namely, us.

This is a spurious argument!

We have known that there were problems with oil since the 70's and it would not be too hard to argue that even in the 30's the oil companies knew they had to get rid of more efficient modes of transportation to make us more dependent on oil.

What alternatives were we given?

We have been controlled by the oil companies ever since they saw how easy it was to make us dependent on oil.

They bought up and disappeared any viable alternative.

They didn't lobby for government monies to create any alternatives, they lobbied to have restrictions lifted and lobbied to have fewer taxes on their profits.

Our alternatives were not given, they were taken away.

Do not feel guilty for the ultimate failure of Government oversight and corporate greed.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Okay, I am trying to post more often. (now that I have a little more time) for all you followers. (read zero, or maybe someone has read this, but I haven't found a counter that works with this site, I am only computer literate enough to do certain things, and keeping track of viewers is not one of them, so if anyone out there knows how to install a counter let me know, thanks in advance).

Today I made some hay whilst the sun was shining! We finally got a day of sunshine in the NW and I found a sickle bar mower (I had been trying to rent one and none of the rental houses had one available.) I was coming home from a local pub and there at the curb side just a mile from my house was a mower for sale! $100.00USD

The reason I wanted a sickle bar mower is because I have goats, and I didn't have time to mow during the 2 days in the last 3 months that were dry enough for mowing, and the grass was 3 feet tall, that my friends is HAY!, which goes for about $15.00 USD a bale! If I use a sickle bar mower I can turn the tall grass into hay and feed the goats with hay as local as you can get.

To go to the way back machine: I have not told all youse guys and gals that I have a small martini farm. Yes, I grow the martini glasses and get pickled. (the true definition of a martini farm is having a martini while watching the farm buildings deteriorate and the grass grow.) This is what I have been doing for the last ten years.

I had every intention of making a good garden and having some eggs and pigs etc. I did have some chickens and goats (not goats for milking, but I could, but you can't mix vodka with goats milk, I don't think? [Well, if I am digressing all the way,] I guess that a white Russian could be made with goats milk but it's probably not common and it's certainly not a martini.) Anyway! For the time and economy, I am making an effort to do a little more with the farmlet. So I let the yard grow to 3 feet and attempt to make hay.

I am getting a LOT of shit from my wife for letting the grass go and for the $100.00 for the mower but I cut enough for 5 bales and that right there is $75.00 USD! I have plenty to go so I am thinking I should get about 20 bales this year! We do need some sun for the curing of the hay and I will have to turn it and make an old fashioned hay stack (there is not enough to bring in a baler) and move it to the hay loft of the barn. So there is plenty of work left but that beats the gym membership!

My shoulders and upper body are very sore! I will keep you posted on what happens with the hay.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

My new favorite band, The Music Machine, with a very early example of what I would call Heavy Metal, with 'Talk Talk'. Now I am not a big fan of heavy metal, but I have an interest in origins of things and up till now my usual thought of the origin of heavy metal was 'Summertime Blues' by Blue Cheer, with this band it gives them a run.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hmrunpgm, er, .....Is this thing on?

Well here we go, this seems like a good idea. Posting a blog..... I don't really like the commitment but there seems to be a time in life when it's good to do something that requires more than just hanging out. I don't live in my moms basement, so that's good. I have lots to offer if you look all the misinformed people out there. I'll see how it goes.

Hello folks, and welcome to anothershamus!

Let me introduce my blog:

The name is derived from 'brother shamus', mentioned by a character DaFino (Jon Polito's private Dick ) in The Big Lebowski.

I thought it worked for me, as I am an investigating individual who likes the obscure and rare things in the world and I enjoy searching them out.

I pattern my life (sort of) after The Dude, in The Big Lebowski.
  • I even sort of look like The Dude.

Another quote that I just heard today on NPR fits right in with The Dudes' philosophy:
  • "I don't stand when I can sit, and I don't sit when I can lie down." (attribituted to Winston Churchill when asked, 'what was the secret to his success'.)

I do like to work hard and play hard, but not hard enough to break things (like bones, or lamps or hearts).

I like images and symbols, sometimes I give too much meaning to the symbols, when in fact they are just symbols and not harbingers of death.

Here is a recent example:

This has been making the rounds on the interwebs and it is really cool!

Official sources say it is a Russian rocket gone bad over Norway.
Other folks say it is a wormhole opening by alien technology given to Earthlings.

I could go either way.

I am posting it for several reasons. This is a really fascinating image and I want to see how long it will stay up, if it's copyrighted, and I wanted to see how to post a pic on my new blog.

If this is like my journals I will have several days posting and then let it sit idle for a couple of years and rediscover it and etc....etc...

All I can say for now is check back for more exciting posts!

Thank you for looking here.


Well that seemed to go rather well. The pic looks good , I think. I wonder how many people will read this? I wonder how many post I can make without spacing it out and leaving all the good people that follow me hanging? We'll see. One thing for sure , it will improve my typing skills! I'll bet I gained a couple of words a minute just with this as a refresher. Boy I am hungry....I should go find something to eat. Where did I put that smoked salmon?